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Planification 📆
Employees order in the schedule
Employees order in the schedule
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

Sometimes, you need to reorganise your employees in the schedule, especially when you hire a new employee who will appear at the top of the list 😊

Let's change the order in the list of the employees!

As a Department Manager, you do it yourself 💪

How to change the order for your employees?

In the Schedule menu on the left side, click on More ➡️ Schedule groups:

There you move employees if you drag and drop them with the mouse. If you click on one employee, you can edit some specifications on the right side, especially the colour 🌈

Remember to save the order 👍😀

❗ Some titles may already have a set color that you can't change. This is determined by your administration at your HQ. ❗

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