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Extra permissions
Vor über 11 Monaten aktualisiert

If you want a user to have more access in the system than the title provides, you can give them an extra permission. In this example we will give a user an extra permission as a Store Manager to another department.

Play the video to see how you create an extra permission👇

Create an extra permission

Go to Settings

➡️ HR

➡️ Extra permissions

Click on Create

If you want to add a specifik permission, choose Permission type

If you want the user to have all permissions as a specific titel, choose Copy from title

If the permission is to be valid only for a limited period, you can set a Start and End date.

You can use extra permissions in two ways.

Option 1: Copy all permissions from one title. This will give the person all the permissions that the title has.

Option 2: Give the person a specific permission. The person will only have access to the part of the system that the permission gives.

➡️ If a person is to step in as a Store Manager in another department for a period of time, it is easiest to give the person access as Store Manager in that department. Then you use Copy from title.

➡️ Should a person be responsible for the schedule while the Store Manager is on vacation? Then it is best to only give extra permission to the specific parts of the system that are related to scheduling.


❗🌍 If a person working in one country should have access to departments in other countries, the support team must help to add the permissions. 🌍❗

❗It is only an Administrator who can ask to have the permissions changed for the employees if no other agreements have been made with the company beforehand❗

Here are some of the most common permissions given as an 'extra permission'


Full access = Provides access to correct hours and to add shifts to the schedule.

Limited access = The employee can only see schedule, but can't correct it.

Approve days in schedule

Full access = Can confirm days and also reopen the days after they have been confirmed.

Limited access = Can confirm days


Full access = Permission to plan a New period and also create or edit templates made in planning.

Weekly balance

Full access = Allows you to enter and confirm days in Weekly balance

Limited access = Only makes it possible to enter data in the Weekly balance.

Reopen Weekly Balance

Full access = Gives access to reopen already approved days in the Weekly balance.

Approve hours/Salary

Full access = Allows you to approve hours/salary.

Contact us in the chat if you need help with which permission(s) to choose. 💬 😊

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