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Contract templates
Vor über 9 Monaten aktualisiert

In this article we go through how to create a contract template 📝 and insert placeholders in the document to include the information from the employee's data card.

How to create a contract template and insert placeholders

Go to

➡️ Settings

➡️ HR

➡️ Contract templates

Select the folder where you want the template to be saved, then click on

New contract template

Before uploading your Word document, you need to insert the placeholders you want to include in the template.

Click on the arrow to the right of the category 🔻

Copy the placeholder by clicking on the one you want to use

Then go to your word document and paste the placeholder where you want it

Once you have pasted the placeholders you want to use, save the document and then upload it to your contract template.

Name the template under Title, select the Contract type, which Titles the template should be able to be used on, and add Administrator under "Titles with access to contract template" to allow administrators to download the document and edit it.

The place holders in the document will now be highlighted in green and have a green check mark. ✅

More info about Placeholders

If you want to include information from your extra fields in the employees' data cards, you can find them under Advanced employee data form.

You can choose to copy the placeholder with the same name as the extra field (in the picture below 👇 marked in green), or you can copy the shorter placeholder with the extra fields ID number. (in the picture below marked in blue. Starts with @P followed by the ID number.)

In the example below, the two highlighted placeholders retrieve information from the same field. @P11607 is the field for USER_EXTRA_11607_ACCOUNT_NUMBER

The only difference is that one is shorter, which can be useful when you don't have room for too much text in the document.

Yes/No Fields

If you have an extra field where you can choose Yes/No, you will also be able to choose to insert placeholders so that a checked box appears for the choice selected in the contract.

All extra fields where you can select Yes/No will have two placeholders. The placeholder consists of the field's ID number and one starts with @ and the other ends with X

To include the answer in the document, you need to paste both placeholders next to each other in the document.

When you generate the file, the information will be shown in the contract like this👇

Below we have highlighted all the place holders in yellow to show examples of which place holders you can use in the document.

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