How to create a new period
Go to:
➡️ Schedule
➡️ Plan new period
➡️ New plan
Template mode
Here you can create a new template or you can upload a saved template.
If you have a saved template you want to use click on:
➡️ Load
When you are done with the template, click on Save, give new template a name, and then click on Roll out.
Rearrange the weeks
If you want to change the order or copy the weeks in the template, click here 👇
Click on the week you want to move and drag it
You can also copy the weeks. Click on the 3 dots and then on Duplicate
Week 1 has now been copied and a third week is added to the template 🙌
Roll out your template
Start and End date
By default, the dates are set for the whole period. If you wish to roll out the template between other dates, you can select it here.
Overwrite of existing schedule or Add on top of existing schedule
Overwrite of existing schedule. Select this:
If it is the first time you are rolling out a template in this period.
If you have already rolled out a template before and want to roll out a new one. The new template will then overwrite everything that is already in the schedule.
Add on top of existing schedule. Select this:
If you want all the shifts you already have in your schedule to remain and you want to add more shifts to your schedule.
If you want to add shifts to your already rolled out schedule. The shifts will be added to the already rolled out schedule.
Advanced roll out criteria
All employees in the template are by default selected in this field. If you only want to roll out a new template for one employee, you can untick all others and only roll out the template for one employee.
Shift type:
Here you select the type of shifts to be rolled out
Here you can choose which zones that should be rolled out
Once you have made your choices, click Confirm
Before publishing the schedule, you can still make changes to the shifts without your employees seeing it. Once you have finished editing the period, click on Publish to release the schedule and inform your employees. ✅
Good luck! 💪🤩