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Check in and out on the app
Check in and out on the app
Oppdatert for over et år siden

Scroll down to see how to:

➡️ Check in On time

➡️ Check in Earlier

➡️ Check in Late

➡️ Check in - Unscheduled shift

➡️ Check Out

How do I check in and out on the app❓🤔

First time using the app? Make sure you have these settings permitted and activated on your mobile device 😀:

  • Bluetooth ON

  • Bluetooth permission to the app ON

  • GPS/location ON

  • GPS/location permission to the app ON

  • Precise location ON (iPhone only)

Don't worry if you can't find these settings on your phone. If some of the settings are not activated, a pop-up will appear in the app and direct you to the correct settings in your phone 😃👍

  1. Why do I need these permitted? Your manager has placed a small Bluetooth device, called an iBeacon, in your department. The app connects to this device using Bluetooth and GPS/location to let the system know that you have arrived at your place of work. The system does not track your position outside your workplace, only when you are within the range of the iBeacon device.

Check in On time

Stand within a 10-meter range to the iBeacon, and open the app.

  1. Click on Check-in

  2. Click on Check-in again

Check in Earlier

If you arrive before your shift starts, you can choose to record the Current time or As scheduled. Select one of them, click on Confirm check in

If you choose Current time you will need to choose a reason. Then you can click on CONFIRM CHECK IN.

Check in Late

If you arrive after your shift has started, you need to choose a Late check in reason before you can click on CONFIRM CHECK IN.

Check in - Unscheduled shift

If you have been called in by your manager to work on a day when you do not have a scheduled shift, you can still check in. 😃👍

Click on Check-in

You need to give a reason for checking in on an unscheduled shift.

Then click on CHECK-IN

Check Out

Click on Manage shift > Check-out

More questions? Get in touch with us on the chat 😊

🖥️ Web/PC: Click on the blue bubble at the bottom right corner.

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