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Check in and out on a browser
Check in and out on a browser

Time registration on a browser

Oppdatert for over 11 måneder siden

How do I check in and out to register my shifts? 🕒

Scroll down to see how to:

➡️ Check in On time

➡️ Check in Earlier

➡️ Check in Late

➡️ Check in Unscheduled shift

➡️ Check Out

⚠️ I can't check in/out. I get an error message when I log into the system.

Check in On time

Click on Check-in

You will see the registered time here 👇. After you have checked in, just close the window by clicking on the ✖️ in the top right corner.

Check in Earlier

If you want to check-in before your planned shift starts, start by choosing the time 🕒 you want to register 👇

You may also need to add a comment ✍️ 👇

Check in Late

If you are late and check in after your planned shift, you need to add a comment ✍️. Then click on Check-in

Check in - Unscheduled shift

If you do not have a planned shift but are called in by your manager to work, you can register an unplanned shift. 👇

Before you can check-in, you must add a comment ✍️

Check Out

Click on Check out

Then on Complete registration 👇

If you are checking out before your planned end time, you need to add a comment ✍️.

You also need to register your break, or add a comment on why you did not have a break 👇

Once you have registered your breaks and clicked on Check out, click on Complete registration.

Done! ✅

Now you know how to register your time in the browser. 🙌 🤩


The settings for time registration can vary between different departments and clients. Depending on how your administration has chosen to set up the time registration, you will have different choices. For example, they choose how many minutes the system should round off the time, when you have to write a comment and whether you can register for an unplanned shift.

If you have questions about your settings or want to change them, contact your head office.

⚠️ I can't check in/out. I get an error message when I log into the system. ⚠️

If you see this message 👇 when you try to check in, your manager needs to register the computer for time registration again. This may happen after the computer or browser has been updated

More questions? Get in touch with us on the chat 💬 😊

🖥️ Web/PC: Click on the blue bubble at the bottom right corner.

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