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Confirm shifts and days in the app
Confirm shifts and days in the app

How to confirm shifts and days in the app.

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If you don't have access to a computer and need to confirm the days in the schedule, you can do it straight in the app 📱 💪

How Approve the shifts

➡️ Go to Dept.

➡️ Switch to Daily in the top right corner

Select the day you want to confirm.

Click on Approve shift.

To change the time of the shift from registered to planned time, or the other way around, click on the small pen.

Confirm the day

When you have confirmed all the shifts, click on Confirm day

Once the day is confirmed, you will see a green dot under the date, and when you click on the day it will say Confirmed

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🖥️ Web/PC: Click on the blue bubble at the bottom right corner.

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